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Codefest (The 8th Asia Open Source Software Symposium)

Programmer from Indonesia who wants to participate this event must be able to communicate with English very well, and send an email to which contains these informations:

  1. Name and name of institution
  2. Programming languages which are mastered
  3. Open source tools which are mastered (e.g. cvs, svn, valgrind)
  4. Story about the contribution in any open source projects.

Some best Codefest participants will be invited the Symposium in Bali on February 13rd -15th, 2007.

Organized by:
Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC), Japan
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
State Ministry of Research and Technology (KNRT), Indonesia
Dept. of Communication and Information Technology (Depkominfo), Indonesia
The Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII), Indonesia

The 8th Asia OSS Symposium Secretariat:
Data & Software Engineering Research Group, STEI – ITB
Labtek V, 2nd floor, Jl. Ganesha No.10, Bandung-40132, Indonesia
Phone: +62-22-2508135, Fax: +62-22-2500940


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